basic math tutorsThe world is getting much more competitive. College graduates are out of work in huge numbers. Having a solid education is no longer enough to insure success. The ability to think and learn independently plus powerful habits and motivation are essential too. Relying entirely on public education and taking summers off from learning to decompress is no longer a safe choice. In fact, summer is the ideal time to shore up skills not mastered during the school year, and to supplement skills and knowledge to expand your child’s horizons.

Here are some ideas:

  • Strengthen weak fundamental skills. Reading, writing and math are crucial to future academic success. School work will get tougher and tougher each year if the foundations are weak.
  • Develop advanced skills like early reading (phonics), speed-reading, superior reading comprehension, and effective writing.
  • Weak study skills undermine success and there is rarely time during the school year to develop these critical habits. Working one-on-one with a tutor will ensure these essential skills and habits are acquired and reinforced before next school year begins.
  • Summer is a great time for high school students to prep for the SAT and ACT tests. Their choice of colleges, and your costs to send them are highly dependent on these test results. Most students leave too little time to develop the broad vocabulary and speed in math that is essential to success.
  • Summer school itself often requires the help of a good tutor to succeed. The learning is rapid paced and the workload is enormous. A student who gets “lost” for just a day or two may never catch up when the pace is this fast.
  • Use summer to help your child find their passion. Encourage them to read and study a subject of their own choice- something that motivates them and cultivates a love for reading and writing. Both of those skills are essential in today’s world, yet lost in a world of texting and TV.

Summer tutoring programs are becoming an essential component to long-term success in academics and in life. They don’t take much time and can be tailored to your family’s schedule.

Mary Beth Inchalik is the President of Santa Clarita In Home Tutoring Tutoring. She has over 20 years of combined regular and special education teaching experience from elementary school through high school. Contact her at (661) 977-1629 or